Easyminer Classic Mode
Posted on 7 May, 2017 by Administratoruk

The classic mode is a setup style that will allow one earn LTC (Litecoins) or any other cryptocurrency by connecting to a mining pool by userchoice.This is the right style to choose if you wish to mine bitcoins or anyother coins without connecting to Easyminer Stratum!
This mining style does not feature an wallet !
Tutorial steps:
1.Open Easyminer and click Setup
Uncheck Moneymaker setup
2.Fill out the following boxes :
For cpumining only (very weak hashrate):
-cpu worker's username;cpu worker's username;Pools Adress;Pools port (insert your own credentials from the pool you are registered)
-gpu worker's username;gpu worker's username;Pools Adress;Pools port (leave out empty to disable GPU miner)
For GPU mining only (medium hashrate)
-cpu worker's username;cpu worker's username;Pools Adress;Pools port (leave out empty to disable
CPU mining)
-gpu worker's username;gpu worker's username;Pools Adress;Pools port (
insert your own credentials from the pool you are registered)
For GPU mining and CPU combined work (basic hashrate - very intensive)
-cpu worker's username;cpu worker's username;Pools Adress;Pools port (insert your own
credentials from the pool you are registered)
-gpu worker's username;gpu worker's username;Pools Adress;Pools port (
insert your own credentials from the pool you are registered)
For solo mining (low chance of earnings) :
-cpu worker's username;cpu worker's username;Pools Adress;Pools port (insert your own
LTE/BTC Adress)
-gpu worker's username;gpu worker's username;Pools Adress;Pools port (
nsert your own LTE/BTC Adress)
3.Final step:
Click the X button in the upperright corner , afterwards click the Start Mining button !
Good Luck!
Hint : Read DISCLAIMER before mining !
Take note the mining earnings are dependent by a number of unstable variables and its hard to predict (Difficulty,PPS,PPS Rate,Shares,Your Hashrate,Total Hashrate,Hash Dificulty,Number of Users Connected to a Pool etc.)
- Easyminer Wallet its available in the Moneymaker mode only
- mining comes in 2 flavours in Easyminer: Classic mode and the MoneyMaker Setup mode (read both tutorials to learn more about them)
- mining could generate alot of heat .Use Easyminer at your own risk.
- use GPU mining only if you have a powerfull Radeon or Nvidia Card
- earnings are dependant on the pools users hashrate , earnings grow in time
so do not expect to much at begining
- Moneymaker mode supports only LTC farming for now.For BTC or any other cryptocurrency use the classic mode
- the Payout is 1Ltc (Ltc only) so please generate a valid LTC adress and a valid email , an automatic Payout button will appear in Easyminer Wallet window when the limit is reached(only in Moneymaker Mode)
- to preserve network stability, any acount inactive more then 3 days will be deleted. SO PLEASE BE ACTIVE ! There will be no refunds(only in Moneymaker mode)
- any unusual activity in your acount (like hacking,facking data,sniffing etc) will get your acount suspended and delete all your earnings.(only in Moneymaker mode)
Easyminer is not affiliated with butterflylabs and is not the same software as ASIC butterflylabs EasyMiner , Easyminer is a different software, free and opensource and it doesnt rely on a dedicated custom powered ASIC hardware.There is no association between butterflylabs and Open Radio Directory (creators of this software) except a simple coincidence of names!
Good Luck!