April 2018

Mining Hardware Tutorial

Mining Hardware Tutorial

Posted on 7 April, 2018 by Administratoruk

Mining Hardware Tutorial Here is some shared information on how to work with the hardware side of cryptocurrency Mining.   What really is hardware mining?   Well it is the underlining equipment that you need to build a solid a mining system.  You can do it three ways:   1.       If you want to Keep your cost low by researching...
The best minining software 2018 for various cryptocoins

The best minining software 2018 for various cryptocoins

Posted on 3 April, 2018 by Administratoruk

In this thread we will cover and updating regulary the most used crptocoins mining software we tested and compiled on our platforms. Amd r4,35 family laptops  Nvidia Pc ultra  1. xmrig for XMR coins compiled with no donate -xmr coins 2.xmrig for cuda and opencl all in one cpu miner no donate -xmr  3. cgminer asic and nonasic for gpu (older versions) bitcoin and litecoin enabled 4. ccminer for various cryptocoins only cuda  5. cpuminer - currently old and unprofitable for...